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Participation of the Sudanese Accreditation Council(SDAC) for the Second ‎Meeting of the Accreditation Council for Islamic Countries

Publish Date:June 29, 2018

Sudanese Accreditation Council (SDAC) participated in the Second Meeting of the Management of ‎SMIIC –AC was held in Istanbul during the period 28-29 June 2018.All Members of the Management ‎of SMIIC –AC attended the meeting.‎
‎ ‎‏ ‏H.E Mr. İhsan ÖVÜT, SMIIC Secretary General welcomed the delegates as the host organization ‎and made the opening speech of the meeting. SMIIC Secretary General thanked the members of the ‎Task Force Group which was established for studying the draft Terms of Reference of SMIIC AC. Mr. ‎ÖVÜT pointed out that there are many halal certification bodies in the Member States as well as ‎around the world and these certification bodies strongly demands accreditation for its activities and ‎are planning to apply the national accreditation bodies to get accreditation.‎‏ ‏
‏ ‏He further mentioned that SMIIC AC will be an important platform for the accreditation bodies to ‎come together, to implement OIC/SMIIC standards, to oversee the practices for halal accreditation ‎and to have collective actions to respond the needs of halal market, Also reminded that SMIIC is an ‎OIC institution and OIC has given mandate to SMIIC for the establishment of a global halal ‎conformity assessment system under SMIIC in order to provide a basis for the mutual recognition of ‎halal certificates between accreditation bodies and he drew attention that there is also expectation ‎from OIC for the fulfillment of this task by SMIIC as soon as possible.‎
‎ ‎‏ ‏As an important agenda item, the Management of SMIIC Accreditation Council reviewed the ‎draft Terms of Reference and decided to submit the draft to the approval of the SMIIC Board of ‎Directors.‎‏ ‏
‎ The Chair and Vice-Chair of the SMIIC Accreditation Council were also elected at the ‎meeting for the 2018-2020 terms and decided to submit the decision to the approval of the SMIIC ‎Board of Directors.‎
‏ ‏‎ Finally, The Resolutions of the meeting were approved and the meeting was concluded with a vote ‎of thanks to the SMIIC General Secretariat for hosting and successful organization.‎