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World Day of Accreditation Day 2018‎

Publish Date:July 18, 2018

The Sudanese Accreditation Council‏ (SDAC)‏celebrated for the International Day of Accreditation ‎under the theme “Accreditation: Delivering a Safer World”‎‏ ‏On Wednesday, 18 July 2018, at the ‎Corinthia Hotel in Khartoum .This year’s International Day of Accreditation theme focuses on ‎how accreditation delivers a safer world Also, to highlight the importance and role of ‎accreditation in reducing occupational injuries and diseases and minimizing damage caused by ‎environmental pollution and food. Through the adoption of the authorities that control the ‎goods and services, which leads to the improvement of quality. The program included the ‎following events‏:‏
Opening session‏:‏
The opening session was addressed by Prince Ahmed Saad Omar, Minister of the Presidency of ‎the Council of Ministers. His speech dealt with the importance of the adoption in supporting the ‎economy and protecting the consumer, and the reform program adopted by the State which aims ‎to develop and improve performance in all aspects of life related to its security, safety and ‎pension‏.‏
The opening session was also addressed by Dr. Kamal Al-Hadi Mohammed Abdullah, ‎Secretary-General of the Sudanese Accreditation Council for injuries resulting from ‎occupational accidents or work-related diseases and the economic impact of poor occupational ‎health and safety practices. He highlighted the importance and role of accreditation in reducing ‎injuries and occupational diseases and accidents, resulting from the pollution of the ‎environment and food through the adoption of control bodies on goods and services, which ‎enhances their efficiency in support of the economy and protect the consumer‏.‏
The session was chaired by Dr. Omar Ibrahim Kabbashi and presented three papers as follows‏:‏
‏• ‏The first paper entitled: “To achieve a safer world “provided by a. Shams al-Din Omar ‎Mohamed and followed by the engineer Zakaria Mohammed Suleiman the paper dealt with the ‎definition of accreditation and its benefits and the emergence of the Sudanese‏ ‏accreditation ‎Council and the role of accreditation in achieving safety for the world‏.‏
‏• ‏‎ The second paper entitled on”‎‏ ‏Sheet of Occupational Health, Safety and Health”, presented by ‎Eng. St. Nour Hassan Mohamed and followed by Expert. Murtada Mustafa Ali, The paper ‎tackled environmental risks, work environment hazards, health impacts of vital risks and ‎implementation of safety requirements and standards related to occupational safety and health‏.‏
‏• ‏The third paper entitled‏ ‏on:” the current status of the application of quality management ‎systems for laboratories in Sudan‏ ‏focusing on the medical laboratories” presented by Dr. ‎Abdullah Abdul Karim Osman and followed by Dr. Khalid Mokhtar Othman. The paper dealt ‎with the current situation of the application of quality management system in laboratories and ‎evaluation of laboratories in Sudan and the collection of useful information in planning and ‎decision-making and to clarify the lack of application of quality systems in laboratories‏.‏