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SDAC meeting at Standards and Metrology Institute for the Islamic ‎Countries(SMIIC)‎

Publish Date:February 02, 2018

The Sudanese Accreditation Council participated in the meeting of the Accreditation Council of ‎Islamic Countries, which was held in Istanbul (Turkey) from 26-27 February/2018. The Islamic ‎Accreditation Council aims to promote accreditation activities in the Islamic world by ‎strengthening cooperation in the field with Islamic countries.‎
The meeting agenda included the following‏:‏
‎-‎ Opening session
‎-‎ Leave the meeting agenda
‎-‎ Choosing the meeting chair
‎-‎ Introductory presentation on the Accreditation Council for Islamic Countries‏.‏
‎-‎ Review and discussion of the reference work of the Council
‎-‎ ‏ ‏Leave meeting decisions
‎-‎ Other‏.‏

The most important recommendations that came out of the event‏:‏‎-‎
‎-‎ Taking into consideration the comments of the member states on the terms of reference ‎for the work of the council that were discussed in the meeting‏.
‏- ‏Forming a working group headed by Jordan to prepare a draft of the reference based ‎on the first draft and in light of the information provided by the council secretariat‏.
‏- ‏Requesting the Secretary-General of the Institute (SMIIC) to address the Member ‎States to open the door for nomination for the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the ‎Committee‏.
‏- ‏Leave the decisions of the meeting‏.
‏- ‏Thanking the Turkish government and the Secretary General of SMIIC for hosting the ‎council’s meetings and making the necessary arrangements for them‏.
‏- ‏Setting June 26-27 as the date for the second meeting of the Council‏.‏

‎ The goals achieved by the participation‏:‏
One of the most important goals is to promote and develop accreditation activities in ‎the country by strengthening cooperation in the field with Islamic countries. ‎Undoubtedly, this is linked to the state’s goal of reforming state institutions and the ‎success of reform programs of which accreditation is one of its main pillars‏.‏

The benefits obtained by the state in this mission‏:‏
Sudan’s obtaining membership in the Accreditation Council for Islamic Countries and ‎membership in its Board of Directors is an important achievement and achieves many ‎benefits that contribute, God willing, to the advancement of conformity assessment ‎bodies from laboratories, inspection bodies, and quality management system ‎certification bodies with the aim of supporting the national economy and consumer ‎protection‏.‏